Filming in New York City is an endeavor that can yield spectacular images with some planning, a little determination, and a bit of luck.
However, video agencies and producers beware, logistical pitfalls abound, and they can easily derail your production schedule and budget.
Here are ten tips to keep your corporate video production in NYC on-track:
1- Drive Time – X2
Double Whatever Waze or Google Tells You. (or at least go with the longest estimated travel time they predict)
It can take up to 3 hours to get a location in Manhattan. Traffic conditions can quickly change, so give yourself plenty of travel time. Arriving early leaves you time to find a great parking spot, grab a coffee, and maybe find a winning lotto ticket on the sidewalk while you’re at it!
2- Parking – APPs Save Time & Money.
In NYC parking costs vary wildly, even between garages located on the same street.
Parking APPS that compare rates, list hours, and map locations can save you drive time and petty cash.
3- Certificate of Insurance – Show Me Your Papers.
Getting the COI to the building management company in advance is crucial for getting through the loading dock. Without your COI on-file with the landlord, your camera crew risks getting sidelined for hours!
4- Freight Elevators – That’s Lunch People.
Once past the loading dock, the video crew will likely need the freight elevator next. The last thing you want to see is an “out-to-lunch” sign hanging on the elevator door. Be sure to check the hours of operation before arriving.

5- Meal Break Mirage
There are plenty of great food options in New York City, but like any other aspect of video production, a little planning ahead is always a safe bet. Especially when filming in an industrial district (aka food desert) where choices are limited. In this case, packing a cooler for the day is a great way to go.
6- City Permits
“Uh-oh, cops. We don’t have a permit. RUN!” Ed Wood.
Running from the police is not a good alternative to getting an NYC film permit. The Office of Film, Theatre, and Broadcasting website explains when a permit is required and when it’s not.
7- Subways - Don’t Even THINK About Filming Here.
Rest assured, if New York’s Finest finds you filming on a subway train, station, or platform – they will confiscate your footage. See item #6 to remedy this.
8- Multiple Locations – The Wheel Man
If your production schedule requires a “company move” consider hiring a driver for the day - someone who is at-the-ready to drive the video crew to the next location.
9- Releases – Need’em, Get’em, Got’em.
Get a signed release whenever possible. Otherwise, avoid filming people, artwork, brand logos, landmark buildings, and photographs. Remember, corporate video production is not news production. Your legal department will thank you.
10- That’s a Wrap – Sorry, We’re Closed!
Freight elevators, loading docks, and parking garages – oh my!
Don’t get trapped at your location. Be aware of closing times for each and schedule your exit accordingly.

Crescent Beach Productions has over a decade experience producing commercials, corporate videos, and video marketing content for clients throughout Manhattan, Brooklyn and the greater NYC Metro area.
Have you got questions about filming in NYC?
Give us a call. We’re happy to help.